Our SIE Exam Lesson Material audio course below will help you prepare for the New SIE Exam


Securities Industry Essentials Exam Podcast Audio Lessons for the SIE ExamTotal Course 36 hours 53 Min

The full download not including the bonus material is 2.2GB

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SIE Exam Lesson Study Material and Worksheets

In Several Lessons we refer to additional material to use when you are studying the topic.  This is the location where you may find additional links, worksheets or other material to enhance the audio lesson

Lesson 11 – 16 Options

Here is a link to download the Options Worksheet refer to in lessons 11-16

Option Worksheet

Lesson 42 Stock Fundamental Analysis pt 9, Discounted Cash Flow

Here is a link to download the Discounted Cash Flow Model we refer to in lesson 42

Discount Cash Flow Valuation Worksheet

Lesson 49 SMA and Margins

Here is a link to download the Stock Margin Worksheet we refer to in lesson 49


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